Apostle John Brown,

Founder and Presiding Prelate of the Nonsecular Consortium

John Brown is sharper, more accurate and more anointed than ever. He’s amidst a Global mission and contends for authentic Faith to be restored to a hopeful remnant. As Founder and CEO of John Brown International Ministries, his sphere encompasses a local assembly, and a weekly FM radio show, all headquartered in Southern California.  

John Brown is a highly sought-after Speaker and has become a mainstay, regularly appearing on International Television. It is through a life of prayer and fasting this leader stands boldly with an irrefutable grasp of the Word of God, walks with disciplined precision and exactitude in the Prophetic. Modeling himself after John the Baptist, John Brown is deemed a true Twenty First Century forerunner of Y’shua Hamashiach/ “Jesus Christ”. 

Our Doors are Open


An international, interdenominational organization that cooperates on matters of mutual concern. Contending for the Faith and preaching Jesus.


We, The Consortium, are the update and the upgrade. We re aiming to do things correctly in providing tailored help nd an authentic system of support to pastor, churches, and all ministry gifts. community of Christian Leaders. Within our construct, ou'll have exclusive access to pastoral care, customized nd tailored commitment to proper coverage, coaching, and an array of programs, activities and resources. e are vowed to enriching our members. Increasing your apabilities and equipping you to succeed, both privately and publicly. ake the decision... we can't do this ALONE. Gone are the ays where we lack a sense of belonging, you belong! Not o a building, or a big event. It's a genuine spiritual bond, amongst people of precious like faith. his is a TRIBE, a Nation, a People, and a Priesthood unto God.

"Ecumenical excellence, to restore unity among the Christian churches and throughout the whole World."